From September 27 through October 14, 2013, seventy-five pianos decorated by artists were placed around Boston, MA for the public to play as part of the world wide art installation "Play Me, I'm Yours". The festival was hosted by Celebrity Series of Boston as part of its 75th anniversary celebrations.
I submitted a proposal in response to an Open Call to decorate a piano to be displayed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston as part of the series “Play Me, I’m Your: Street Pianos Boston”. A committee of Managers, Curators, and the Chair of the Contemporary Art Department selected my proposal for the piano, titled “Work in Progress.” The concept was based on transforming a black baby grand piano into a faux artist studio and workstation to be used by the public for a three week duration at the entrance to the Museum of Fine Arts. I submitted proposal, created digital rendering, outlined budget, planned schedule, restored and refinished piano, constructed attachments, implemented revisions, and installed the project.
My objective of “Work in Progress” is to transform a traditional black Baby Grand Piano into a replica artist studio, complete with an enlarged artist’s easel, table, tools, and painting supplies, along with a partially finished painting. This idea occurred to me when I was trying to create a theme that would relate both to the MFA and to my personal artistic efforts and creative space as well as a unique way to link the creation of musical art and fine art.
When on display, the piano will remain a “Work in Progress” not only due to the incomplete painting, but also because it will draw people in to play their own music, and as each person plays, the piece will continue to grow and change with each new contribution.
“Why is there a piano outside our entrance? It is one of 75 located throughout metropolitan Boston as part of a public art project by Luke Jerram called Play Me, I’m Yours!
Jerram’s intention is for you to listen, play, and enjoy the pianos that are part of the project. “The sound of pianos can affect the atmosphere of the street and transform architecture and how people occupy a space,” he has said. The piano located here is available for you to play between September 27 and October 14 during MFA open hours.
To date 35 cities have hosted Play Me, I’m Yours! The project is presented in Boston by the Celebrity Series of Boston to celebrate its 75th anniversary. All 75 pianos were donated, and each has been decorated by artists or community groups. Hilary Zelson, a Museum Educator and MFA Community Arts Initiative Liaison, was selected to decorate the piano located outside the Museum.
Please note that the piano will be covered at the threat of or during inclement weather.”