For the exhibition, “An Alphabet of Inspiration: Artists Celebrate 100 Years of Collections,” Boston Children’s Museum selected two dozen guest artists and curators to design interior window installations along the museum’s original brick facade. The artists were asked to create concepts that paired a letter of the alphabet and objects that accentuated BCM’s extensive collection.
With glitter and natural history in mind, I proposed a concept to fit multiple letters: A is for Astronomy, N is for NASA, S is for Space, etc, and was chosen for the letter M. I installed M is for Meteorite on April 23, in a central display window on the second floor overlooking the Common, where it will be engaging visitors for a year.
Boston Children's Museum Press:
Press Release

This installation project was designed to integrate natural history objects from the museum’s collection into artistic works. I submitted a digital rendering and proposal, and then worked within a strict timeline and budget. I coordinated meetings with the Art Director and Collections Manger, as well as with members of the exhibitions and design team to finalize the subject matter, installation, and use of the integrated collection objects. The display has an outer space theme and sparks discussions about our universe, our origins, and future.

"Hilary Zelson culled through drawers and drawers of rocks and minerals to make her selections from the collection. You can see her preparing the window space in this photo, but you will have to visit to see her finished installation including her glitter paintings, which fill the window top to bottom (Photos don’t do them justice!)"
- Rachel Farkas, Collections Manager, BCM