Now on to the next things by Hilary Zelson

It is hard to believe that spring is already here. I am looking forward to the warm weather which brings art out onto the street of Boston. However, trying to keep up with everything I want to apply for and participate in takes a lot of time and work.

​So far, I already have two things lined up. On May 11th, I will be painting my first ever mural at Bartlett Yard, in Roxbury, MA. This BCM display got me thinking more about creating public and collaborative art. I like the idea of making art to appeal to the general public, while also attracting interest from Art lovers alike. The whole BCM process was very challenging - but so rewarding and I want that feeling again. For this project at Barlett Yard, during a day named Muralfest, I will be one of 70 artist descending on an abandon building to convert it into a temporary artist and community oasis. Just about every wall, door, and window will be turned into colorful work of art. I have been assigned a 10x10 foot garage door. I am still working out the details, but so far I know it will include something from our universe - most likely a nebula, but maybe a galaxy, planets, or both. I will keep you posted on my plan.

In addition to my mural, on June 2, I will be participating in the Beacon Hill Art Walk, in Boston, MA. I won't know my exact location until the last week in May, but I do know that I will be one of the artists able to display and sell my artwork. This event pairs local  artists with the beautiful homes and gardens in Beacon Hill, for a day of art appreciation  and creative expression.  I am planning to sell some of my mixed media glitter artwork as well as some of my watercolors. Once I know more details I will post the information so that you can stop by and see what I have displayed.

Now I have to sign off. I must start working on creating press material for my BCM Display and apply to art shows and art festivals for the rest of the summer. So, be sure to check back soon! ​I have a feeling these installations and exhibitions are going to be the start of a few very busy art filled months!

BCM Display is Complete! by Hilary Zelson

First off, I really wish I was better at updating my blog. This blogging thing is still new to me and I seem to get bogged down with every thing else life throw at me. I am much better at keeping up with my Facebook page Hilary Zelson's Artist Studio, so if you like my page you'll get more current almost daily updates with what is going on...

I am so relived and excited that my Boston Children's Museum display is finished. ​Creating a commissioned painting (installation) that needs to be your absolute best work is more stressful then I even imagined.  I guess you could say that I am a perfectionist with my artwork, and I wanted my installation to reflect just that.

​After finishing the two main paintings, I still had to make two small paintings, and build the folding stretcher framers. The whole thing was a learning process. After building and stretching the two frames, I realized they were too big, and that something was wrong with my original measurements. Something like six inches off. I had to unstretch, cut down, and restrech both frames which took hours.

The first thing I did when I got to BCM for the installation was check to make sure the painting fit. They did! Man, it was close though (one cm bigger and it would not have fit). The entire installation took about six hours. I had to wire and hang the rocks, gems, and minerals from BCM's collection. Remember, this was a collaborative installation between my art and BCM objects - so arranging the collection perfectly was equally important to the paintings.

Although it took forever, and I was exhausted when it was complete, I was so happy. It honestly turned out exactly like I had imagined it could. I can't wait to start receiving some feedback!

Me in front of one side of the completed BCM display M is for Meteorite. ​

Me in front of one side of the completed BCM display M is for Meteorite. ​

Almost Half way done with the BCM Display by Hilary Zelson

Last week I finished the first of two paintings that I am creating for the Boston Children's Museum A-Z Exhibition in honor of their 100th Anniversary (my letter is "M is for Meteorite"). This painting is of Nebula NGC 5189, and is inspired by the Hubble Space Telescope image of the same Nebula. Although the painting has many similarities to the Hubble image, I really hope to the evoke a feeling ​taken from the image rather then make an exact replica. This painting took longer that I expected, possibly around a hundred working hours... but I am extremely happy with the end result. ​I would say to move from initial drawing to finished product in just under two months is pretty good (with lots of teaching at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston in between).

I ordered the stretcher bars yesterday, but it will take a few days to arrive. I have also started working on my second painting for the BCM. It is more child friendly and will include Earth, our Moon, the Sun, and part of the Milky Way Galaxy (I will post some pictures later). My studio is too small to work on the new painting, and stretch NGC 5189 at the same time. I will wait until both are finished and then stretch away!!

Initial drawing of ​NGC 5189.

NGC 5189
Colored Glitter and Acrylic Gel Medium on Canvas
64 x 58 inches

Full Speed Ahead by Hilary Zelson

It's hard to believe that January is already almost over. It honestly feels like yesterday that I was scrounging to the depths of the internet looking for art shows applications.... and yet, today I realized I was weeks past the deadline for three shows I had found that day I searched the internet.

I guess in order to understand my month of mayhem you need to know a little about my life. Basically, I work as an art educator and community art liaison at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. When I am not spending my time at work I paint in my studio, apply to exhibitions, respond to emails, and try to make a name for myself in the art world.

Today, for example, I woke up and responded to emails, ventured to Charlestown for a staff meeting, then ordered art supplies, responded to more emails, organized my schedule, worked on a new project, and now am building my awesome new website.

I wish it was easier to catch you up on my life so that I can start telling you good stories (if and when they happen)... but for now I guess I must get back to editing photos and adding captions to all the images I just uploaded to my website. 

I promise this will get more interesting... I just need to get my fingers wet first.

Where do I begin? by Hilary Zelson

Let me start by saying that I am new to the blogging world... I am excited to begin keeping a record of my progress and process, but must admit that I am nervous to have you reading my personal ideas and how this might effect your feelings of me as an artist. I am sure that keeping a blog is sort of like meeting someone for the first time and that it will take some time for me to warm up and get comfortable - so please be patient.

I guess like every good story, my blog should have some sort of purpose, but in truth, my purpose is just to be myself, and to share some information to help you better understand who I am and why I make and teach art.